Tuesday, 28 May 2013

How to qualify as an asylum seeker in USA

Who all people will qualify as the ones that can be granted an asylum in USA? There are several cases which will help someone qualify as an asylum seeker in United States of America. Let us take a look at some of these:

      a.       Fled their country: The people must be out of their country, if they wish to qualify for one. It will only make sense that they have gotten out of their country to get an asylum in the country of United States. 
Asylum Immigration

      b.      Persecution against their own self: This is one of the prime causes that have to be located for if someone wishes to sit for the situation of asylum in the country. People also need to make a note that the people who wish to call an asylum for themselves should signify that they have been maltreated; and not the case of harassment or discrimination. 

      c.       Harmed by Government: Directly/ Indirectly: This means that if police, and/ or army decides to harass the common citizen then he can also apply for an asylum in the country of United States of America. For this, he obviously needs to flee his own country and then he will be provided a state of asylum. 

      d.      Not a danger to a community: The people who are a danger to a particular community are quite obviously excluded from the situation of being provided an asylum at large. The ones who have conducted aggressive felonies against the fellow countrymen or the country’s system; or might have conducted a crime against the humanity which can be termed as a ”particular serious crime against humanity” cannot be the ones certainly who will even their case of asylum to considered in the court.

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