Friday, 31 May 2013

Immigration Asylum Lawyer in USA

For the people who wish to plan on getting an asylum within United States of America, they have an option to get the process within a year or so. But, the people need to understand about what are the basic conditions of even thinking for applying for an asylum. The people can be granted an asylum only on the condition provided that there is a fear of persecution just on the belief on the base of religion, caste, creed and/ or political ideas. There are many such countries that actually do it on a mass scale in order to crush all the people who even think of something other than their conventional beliefs. The people of such countries can easily have an option of fleeing from the place to think of some level of relief for themselves and hence the immigration asylum for such people comes into place. 

    The presence of a lot of documentation comes into the picture, and this is why the people need the presence of a well known attorney or a practitioner in order to strengthen their situations. A particular form I-589 will be filled out by the lawyer and also file with your help a long affidavit. In order to support the affidavit it is very imperative that someone has got proofs enough in order to support his claim; such as the newspaper cutting that might pertain to a certain arrest or an attack that the applicant might have inflicted.
     After all these papers have been placed together in an order, then an interview is being called for at the USCIS office where all these proofs are being presented in an order to make it sure that the bench has got enough reasons to believe that there has been enough atrocities conducted over the applicant .

Thursday, 30 May 2013

Getting a political asylum in USA

For the people who want an asylum in the United States of America, they have got exactly a year to follow up for the process. The only reason way a person will possibly need the requirement of an asylum whose country is very disturbed due to some or the other reason. This disturbance can be so turgid, that it can force someone to flee for their lives, fearing for persecution. If In any of the case that happens, then a person can go ahead and apply for an asylum in USA

            It is a long process that requires the presence of a court room and a trial which decides whether someone is fit for an asylum or not. In any of the cases the presence of an asylum lawyer can really speed up things for someone and help his condition demanding an asylum in the United States. 

In case that someone’s plea for an asylum is being rejected, then he can also apply for the same within the Supreme Court within a year or so. In between, there are a lot of things that someone that can help him strengthens his case in presence of a Higher Court from the last one. There are several proofs that one can collect in order to strengthen himself in front of a court such as the medical proofs to show what kind of atrocities one might have gone through while he was in his very own motherland. After some of these proofs and documents are being collected, they are being forwarded to the local UCSIS office where the applicant will be asked to assemble for an interview regarding to the case. This is where the immigration lawyer also goes along with the applicant: but make it sure, there is a very stringent process to see only legitimate claims are seen through and others and ignored, completely.

Applying for an asylum politically?

There can be several reasons why a person decides to flee his country: the danger to his kind; politically motivated reasons of extermination of a person due to his ideas or religious views, a threat of persecution against himself and whatnot. If any of the aforementioned are threatening enough in order to jeopardize someone’s life and/ or his families with him; then he has got all the right in the world to apply for political asylum USA.

Asylum usa

        Each and every year, there are a few numbers of people that are granted the asylum status owing to the kind of dangers that they are facing within their own motherland. However, it is seen that there are certain people who try to fake their problem in order to assume the citizenship of United States of America. This is the only reason why the process of getting an asylum within the United States of America has gone a little too stringent and so; the people who decide to fake their issue are easily singled out among the many genuine people who really have a problem within their respective state. 

   People are not pretty clear as to why there are certain restrictions over the obtaining of an asylum while they assume that their case is very straight and open. There are certain conditions as to why people are forbade an asylum; one of them is: If a person is troubled due to some of the earlier activities in his country that forced him to evacuate it, but the similar conditions do not exist anymore; then the person is disallowed an asylum. In a similar attempt, most of the people try to make it into an asylum while they have got no use being into one, which are too disallowed when found.

Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Asylum seekers: Who and for what!

Any common person who fears the situation of being persecuted against oneself in his own country; on the basis of the race, caste, religion or the beliefs that he has or has got a situation so bad in his own land that he has fled it and is still fearing the issue of mass killings against himself and/ or his family can be the one that can apply for an asylum, and his case will be heard in a court of a country. There are certain conditions that an asylum seeker need to clear upon, and these are being defined as follows:

      a.      Outside their own country: The people who wish for an asylum duty can be only applicable if they have a case of fleeing their own country for some or the other reason. Most of these reasons are the ones that automatically call a person for a refuge and hence, the same conditions near about apply for them as well. 
Political Asylum USA

      b.      Fear a government planned genocide: The people who fear of a racial killings against their own kind can easily apply for an asylum. (Mostly seen in the countries in the African continent and others such as the Middle East and other Islamic nations, that the people are afraid of their own life just for the sake of their name/ beliefs/ religions.)

      c.       Government Persecution (Or by its wings): It is seen that the people who generally apply for an asylum are the ones whose entire fraternity is put on the verge of extinction by the people who are in greater numbers within that country.

All these people can easily obtain an asylum in USA, provided that they are not convicted for a particular crime which is labeled as “Crime against Humanity”.  

How to qualify as an asylum seeker in USA

Who all people will qualify as the ones that can be granted an asylum in USA? There are several cases which will help someone qualify as an asylum seeker in United States of America. Let us take a look at some of these:

      a.       Fled their country: The people must be out of their country, if they wish to qualify for one. It will only make sense that they have gotten out of their country to get an asylum in the country of United States. 
Asylum Immigration

      b.      Persecution against their own self: This is one of the prime causes that have to be located for if someone wishes to sit for the situation of asylum in the country. People also need to make a note that the people who wish to call an asylum for themselves should signify that they have been maltreated; and not the case of harassment or discrimination. 

      c.       Harmed by Government: Directly/ Indirectly: This means that if police, and/ or army decides to harass the common citizen then he can also apply for an asylum in the country of United States of America. For this, he obviously needs to flee his own country and then he will be provided a state of asylum. 

      d.      Not a danger to a community: The people who are a danger to a particular community are quite obviously excluded from the situation of being provided an asylum at large. The ones who have conducted aggressive felonies against the fellow countrymen or the country’s system; or might have conducted a crime against the humanity which can be termed as a ”particular serious crime against humanity” cannot be the ones certainly who will even their case of asylum to considered in the court.